
The story of the Hands and Cheesman families

The Hands Family

This is my maternal grandfather’s family, about which very little was known until I started digging around. Illegitimacy means that my roots are not in Chipping Norton as we at first thought, but in the West Country, around the city of Bath.

Chapter 1

Origins of the Hands family.

From the village of Twerton to the bright lights of London, this large family has few traceable ancestors but a fair number of descendants.

Chapter 2

Edward James Hands (1871-1948)

Orphaned in his teens, he and his wife had only one child but his wife’s family is rather more interesting.

Chapter 2a

Charlotte Eliza Hands (1861 - 1942)

One of Edward's sisters had a large and interesting family.

Chapter 2b

James Alfred Hands (1874 - 1926)

Although a previously unknown brother of Edward, there is lots to say about him.

Chapter 3

Fitzroy James Hands (1906-1972)

My grandfather, who I only knew as a child.

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